Update on Hope and Change – a Review

Obama has essentially endorsed the detention policies of George Bush without the courtesy of apologizing for slandering him over the last two and a half years. Obama and his allies screeched endlessly about indefinite detentions, and not just in Gitmo, either. They specifically railed against the holding of terrorists without access to civil courts in military detention facilities around the world, specifically Bagram, but in general as well. Not even six months into his term of office, Obama realized that Bush had it right all along.”

UPDATE – forgot to add this earlier: restoring science to its rightful place

A new era of transparency.

An end to the culture of corruption.

An end to lobbyists influence.

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.

Speaking truth to power.

Government-run health care will not result in rationing.

Obama has no interest in running G.M.

And, of course, change we can believe in.

Well, good.

June 7, 2009

Clinton says U.S. mulls putting North Korea back on terror list.

But why are we only mulling the issue?

Viva la Revolucion!

He was a courtly State Department intelligence analyst from a prominent family who loved to sail and peruse the London Review of Books. Occasionally, he would voice frustration with U.S. policies, but to his liberal neighbors in Northwest D.C. it was nothing out of the ordinary. “We were all appalled by the Bush years,” one said.

What Walter Kendall Myers kept hidden, according to documents unsealed in court Friday, was a deep and long-standing anger toward his country, an anger that allegedly made him willing to spy for Cuba for three decades.

“I have become so bitter these past few months. Watching the evening news is a radicalizing experience,” he wrote in his diary in 1978, referring to what he described as greedy U.S. oil companies, inadequate health care and “the utter complacency of the oppressed” in America. On a trip to Cuba, federal law enforcement officials said in legal filings, Myers found a new inspiration: the communist revolution.

Myers, 72, and his wife, Gwendolyn, 71, pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of conspiracy, being agents of a foreign government and wire fraud.

Thugs (cont.)

May 27, 2009

“The Obama Administration may have targeted GOP donors in deciding which Chrysler dealerships would have to close their doors.”


h/t – Glenn Reynolds


May 27, 2009

Or, as Peter Kirsanow, explains, maybe not:

During the presidential campaign, there was considerable commentary about the prospect of a President Obama ushering in a post-racial era in America. The candidate himself fueled the commentary, frequently making sounds about the advent of a society that transcends race.

The nomination of Judge Sotomayor demonstrates that identity politics not only remains alive and well, but may be accompanied by an unabashedly racialist interpretive doctrine.


May 25, 2009

The New York Times reports:

The United States is now relying heavily on foreign intelligence services to capture, interrogate and detain all but the highest-level terrorist suspects seized outside the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to current and former American government officials.

The current approach, which began in the last two years of the Bush administration and has gained momentum under Mr. Obama, is driven in part by court rulings and policy changes that have closed the secret prisons run by the Central Intelligence Agency, and all but ended the transfer of prisoners from outside Iraq and Afghanistan to American military prisons.

Arthur Herman has written a must-read on Gitmo:

What [the standard account re: Gitmo – that “the public shift in attitude toward Gitmo was gradual, and reflected a growing disillusionment with the war on terror as the sordid details of how George W. Bush and his assistants chose to wage it came out, including the supposed secret use of torture” –] and others like it fail to take into consideration are the aggressive and unending efforts of a cadre of lawyers, activists, left-leaning Democrats in Congress, and civil libertarians against the facility, its purpose, its goal, and its existence. These efforts began even before it was opened, in November 2001, and continue to this day. The anti-Gitmo forces worked tirelessly to shape the public perception that Gitmo was the red-hot center of an aggressive policy approach that led the leftist financier George Soros to declare: “The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush.”

The enemies of Bush and Gitmo have succeeded brilliantly. But in so doing, they have done grave violence to the truth about the Guantánamo Bay facility, have aided in the release of prisoners who have since committed acts of terrorism outside the United States, and may yet succeed in having Barack Obama’s government release young men with terrifying ambitions for murder and mass destruction onto the soil of the United States.

Read the whole thing.

No sh*t.

May 24, 2009

The One admits: “we are out of money now.”

As Rick Moran over at American Thinker comments, “I wish he would have realized that about $11 trillion ago.”

That’s soooooo 18th Century –

Kent Engelke at Capitol Securities Management, said the administration plan for GM, based on reports, “is asking the senior debt holders to forgive $27 billion in debt for 10% of the company. The U.S. Treasury and the UAW will forgive $20 billion and receive 89% of the newly formed company.”

The plan, he said, “sacrifices the senior debt holders for the unions. This is wrong, lacking legal precedent, violating the most basic rule of law and capital structure.”

Other than that, it sounds like a good plan.

Why would anyone invest in any company that is tied to the government?